Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Manfaat bawang putih

MANFAAT BAWANG PUTIH UNTUK KESEHATAN Biasanya bawang putih hanya dikunsumsi dalam jumlah sedikit, itulah alasan mengapa komponen kesehatan yang terkandung di dalam bawang putih tidak bias diperoleh secara optimal. Di dalam bawang putih terkandung dosis vitamin C yang cukup tinggi, namun untuk memperoleh manfaat vitamin C secara optimal setidaknya kita harus mengkonsumsi 800 gr, sementara sehari hari kita hanya mengunakan sebagai pelengkap saja. Khasiat yang dimiliki bawang putih tidak lain berasal dari beberapa vitamin serta mineral yang dikandungnya, di antaranya vitamin A, B, dan C, polypenol dan sulfide, serta adenosine juga potassium selenium. Sebuah penelitian mengatakan bahwa bawang putih dapat membantu proses penyembuhan serta pencegahan infeksi selain itu juga bermanfaat menghalau kerusakan sel-sel dan perkembangan sel-sel tumor. Sebuah penelitian di Nasional Cardiological Research Center, Moscow berhasil menemukan adanya penurunan kolesterol sebanyak 7,6 % yang dilakukan pada 42 subyek yang dilakukan selam 12 minggu dengan menggunakan terapi bawang putih. Itulah beberapa manfaat bawang putih yang bias kita peroleh jika kita mengkonsumsi rutin setiap harinya

Senin, 02 September 2013



Choose the correct answer
The following text is for question number 1 – 2

Dear Tiara
            I know that you are in Singapore. Your father wrote me about it. Moreover our house is very close to the shopping center and your school.
            It’s easy to go to our house. Just take the 123 bus and get off at St.MarrySchool.Then walk back a bit, there is small street bisideit,you should turn right. You will see a house with green door, that’ours.
Well,think about it and we hope you can come.

1.What is the relationship between Tiara and Michele?
a.       Enemy                                           c. penpal
b.      Nephew                                         d.sister
2.What does the word you refer to?
            a. tiara                                                 c. tiara’s father
            b. michele                                            d. micheles’ father

The following text is for no.3 and 4

Dear Temon,
            I would like to congratulation you on your graduation from Junior High School. I know you have studied hard and you have achieved the highest scores. I send you  a special gift as a reward. Always do your best for your future

3. Which statement is true based on the text above?
            a.Abdel will graduate from Junior High School
            b.Temon just received a congratulation card from abdel
            c. Abdel advises Temon to study hard to get the highest scores
            c. Temon asks Abdel always to do his best for his future
4. Why does Abdel send  Temon a special gift as a reward?
            a.Temon has got unsatisfied marks
            b.Abdel likes to be generous person
            c. Temon has graduated with good marks
            d. Abdel wants to make Temon happy

The text is for number 5 and 6
Dear Sinta
            I’d like to celebrate my nephew 14th birthday party, Diana, at NIKMAT Restaurant.
            The party will be on Sunday February 18th 2011 at 7 pm. Will you please come there ? Call Farida when you want to

5.Who will be celebrated on February 18th 2011?
            a. Sinta                                                            c.Karmila
            b.Diana                                                d.Farida
6.”Will youplease come there?”
   The underlined word refer to…
            a.Sinta                                                 c.karmila
            b.Diana                                                d.Farida
Read the following text to answer question no.7
7. Where can you find the notice?
            a. at home                                            c. on a vehicle
            b. at school                                          d. on a food wrapper

The following text is for number 8 to 10

Yearbooks are about to get more expensive. If you haven’t ordered one yet prices will go up to$75.00 after today. Check the list outside Mr.Hoffman’sroom(G-13). If you are on the list,you need to see Janette in the finance office to order your copy. This is the last day yearbooks can be ordered for the regular price.

8. Whom must we contact if we want to order the yearbooks?
            a.Teacher                                             c. Headmaster
            b.Janette                                              d. Mr. Hoffman
9.”If you haven’t ordered one            yet… after today.” ( line 2 )
   What does The underlined word refer to?
            a.yearbooks                                         c. students
            b.someone                                           d.office
10.”This is the last… the regular price.”(last line)
     What is the meaning of “regular”?
a.       expensive                                      c.cheap
b.      average                                          d.normal

The following text is for question 11 and 12

Gillette Foamy®
Regular Shaving Cream

Gillette foamy regular has thick extra rich, creamy lather for a close comfortable shave. Spreads easily, rinses clean leaving skin feeling soft and smooth.
For best result, use Gillette MACH3 shaving system.
Shake can before use Hold can upright

Water, stearic acid, triethanolamine, isobutene,laureth 23, sodium lauryl sulphate,propane, fragrance, BHT, Contains NO CPS’s

Warning :
Avoid spraying toward open flame, contents under pressure. Do not puncture or incenerate, keep from extreme cold. Do not store at temperature above 49 deg C. Keep out of rich of children. Use only as directed.

11. The text is about….
            a.shaving cream                                               c. Gillette MACH3
            b.Gillete Foamy                                              d. shaving system
12. Which of the following statement is TRUE based on the text? We should…
            a.put away the product from our children      c. store in extreme cold
            b. spray toward open cold                              d. puncture and incinare

Text for number 13 to 15

Date                : April 15th, 2009
No                   : 038/04/10
Subject                        : Field Trip
Dear Members.
Due to our annual. Field trip programme, we encourage every member to vote for the place four annual field trip would be. Give a tick (√) to the place you choose. Then, submit the form below to NECC, not later than April 15 th, 2009. The committee will count your vote and the result will be announced on April 27 th, 2009.
Give your vote now and let’s have fun during the field trip.
Best regards,
Ivan Aldo Sofian
I agree to go to :
·         Bantimurung                          
·         Toraja
·         Ujung Pandang
Reason                        :……………………………………………………………………………………
Signature         :…………………………………………………………………………………….

13.How many places are suggested on the letter?
            a.one                                                    c. three
            b. two                                                  d.four
14. When will the members know the voting result?
            a.On April 15th , 2009                         c. On April 27th , 2009
            b.On April 25th, 2009                          d.On April 30th, 2009
15. From the text we know that the field trip programme is conducted …
            a. every month                                                c. twice a year
            b. every three-month                           d. once a year

Read the text to answer questions number 16 – 18


Safetym Precautions
● Read the instructions before use
● Only use butane gas cartridge low pressure
● Do not use in a windy place
●Do not use large pans. They may cause over heating
●After every use, turn the ignition knob to the OFF position, then lift the knob up to the   
  UNLOCK position to disengage the fuel cartridge.

16. What is the text about?
            a. The procedure to clean a stove after using 
            b. The method using of the catridge
            c. The description of Butterfly in line cut stove
            d. The best way to use the stove safely
17. Where should we use the stove?
            a. In an open field                                           c. In a camping ground
            b. In a home kitchen                                       d. On the beach
18. Which of the following is not true according to the text?
            a. We shpuld use the gas cartridge in low pressure
            b. We are forbidden to use it in a windy place
            c. Large pans can cause overheating
            d. We should turn the ignition knob ON position after we use it

The following texs is for question number 19 to 21

           The Hawaian Islands located in the middle of Pacific Oceans, far away from any other land. There are eight island of different sizes, and while they differ from each other in some ways, they share many features.
            They all have a tropical climate, with temperature of about 85oC (25.6oC) in the winter and 85oC (29.4oC) in the summer.
Rainsfalls often, but not for long. The islands also share a natural beauty, with mountains and waterfalls, rainforest, and long beaches. Their waters are filled with colorful fish, dolphins, and giant sea turtles.

19. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to describe the Hawaiian islands         c. to tell how to get to the Hawaiian islands
b. to promote the Hawaiian islands         d.to inform the past event in the Hawaiian Islands
20. According to the texs which statement is correct?
           a.Rain falls rarely, but not for long
           b.The Islands do not have a tropical climate
           c. The islands offer a natural beauty
           d.The sea does not contain fish, dolphins, and turtles
21.”Theirwaters are filled with colorful fish, dolphin, and giant sea turtles”.
      The word “their” refers to…
a.       rainforest’s                                                c. mountains’
b.      waterfalls                                                  d.island

The following texs is for question number 22 to 24

           This is Salsa. Salsa is an Indian elephant, but now it lives in the national zoo in Washington D.C. Salsa is young. It is 20 years old. It weighs up to 2500 kg and 2.1 m high at the shoulders. It may consume up to 2000 kg of grass a day. It is food of banana plants gingers, and leaves of various plants.
           Salsa doesn’t have sweat glands so it likes to cool off by rolling in a pond in the zoo. The mud that dries on its skin protects it from the sun. Salsa also likes taking a bath. It makes her fresh and relaxed. Mike, the zookeeper, helps Salsa take a bath. Mike does it every day. He also feeds and talk to Salsa. Salsa likes this nice guy very much.

22. What is the purpose of the text?
            a. to describe elephants
            b. to tell Sallsa a story
            c. to describe Salsa, an elephant zoo in Washington D.C
            d. to tell where is Salsa live
23. What is Salsa’s favorite food?
            a. fruits                                                c. grass
            b. coconut                                           d. plants
24. Which statement is true about Salsa?
            a.Salsa’s skin is brown                        c.Salsa doesn’t like taking a bath
            b.Salsa likes to eat grass                      d.Salsa is an old animal

Question 25 to 27 are based on the text

Hi,my name is Asri. I joined the Traditional Dance Competition in Jakarta last year. I represented my Junior High School. I practiced hard with my teacher for a month. We also prepared the best costume we had.
        We only had one day in Jakarta. We went there by plane. We left at 6 a.m.and arrived in Jakarta at  7 a.m. We took a taksi to take us to the place where the competition was held. It took an hour to get there. There were already some participants when we arrived. The competition would start in an hour.
       First, my teacher and I went to the dressing room. My teacher helped me do the make-up and the custume. We spent almost an hour for preparation. I told my teacher that I was nervous. However, she told me that everything was all right, and I felt better.
       Then, the time came for me to perform on stage. There five judges and about two hundred people watching me. Hawever, I did not fell nervous anymore. I perfomed on the stage confidently. I really did the best I could. I was glad when it ended smoothly.
       After that, we waited for the announcement of the result. It was 4 p.m. when the judges finished making their final decision. I was so impatient to hear the result. I still could not believe when they called my name as the first winner.I was so happy to be given the trophy.My teacher was also proud of my achievement. Finally, we went back to Yogyakarta in the evening. We were so tired. However, we were satisfied because our effort was not useless.

25. What does the writer tell you about?
            a. Dancing on a big stage                    c.Preparing for a competition
            b. Going to Jakarta by plane               d.Participating in a dance competition
26. The fourth paragraph tells us about….
            a. the announcement of the result       c. the writer’s feeling in competition
            b. the writer’s performance on stage   d. the writer’s preparation for the competition
27. “However, she told me that everything was allright, and I felt better.”
       The word “she” refers to….
            a.Asri                                                   c. Asri’s teacher
            b.The judge                                         d. The participant

The following text is for question number 28 to 30

        Who would not feel excited to go to a beautiful island like Bali?
         My excitement started when I was in the Garuda plane. I couldn’t wait because my mather told me that we would be visiting some places I had never been before. After landing at the airport on Thuesday late afternoon we directly went to the hotel and had free time exploring Kuta.
          On Friday, our day started with a nice breakfast. Then we went to the Ubud monkey forest. Here I had fun playing with the monkeys but also felt scary when they climbed on my shoulders and head. After that we continued our trip to Goa Gajah temple, where I got to touch a snake. The skin of the snake was very scaly and soft. I was also trying to play traditional instrument like the gong.
         Next we had lunch and went to the highlight of the day; the Ubudwriters workshop. The speaker was from Sydney, Australia. Her name is Melina Marquette, a writer of four novels (Looking for Alibrandi, saving Francesca, on the Jellicoe Road and finnikin of the rock). We learnt many writing rules and tricks from her. The day ended with a nice dinner at Sanur. I was sad we had to leave the next day. However, I had a good time and made some friends here. I thank Garuda for the pleasant trip and I hope Garuda will continue this writing competition.

28.What is the text about?
            a. ms Marquette, the writer of the four novels
            b. a trip of afamily to the beautiful island
            c. the writing competition held by Garuda
            d. the writer’s experience to be in Bali
29. From the text we know that it was… time for the writer to visit Bali.
            a. The fourth                                       c. The second
            b. The third                                         d. The first
30. “I was sad we had to leave the next day” (last sentence)
      The phrase”The next day” refers to….
a.       wednesday                                    c. friday
b.      Thursday                           d. Saturday

The following text is for questions number 31  to 34

The milkmaid
A milkmaid was on her way to the market to sell some milk from her cow. As she carried the large jug of milk on top of her head, she began to dream of all the things she could do after selling the milk.
          “With that money, I’ll buy a hundred chicks to rear in my backyard. When they are fully grown, I can sell them at a good price at the market”. As she walked on, she continued dreaming. Then I’II buy two young goats and rear them on the grass close by. When they are fully grown,I can sell them at an even better price!
Still dreaming, she said to herself,” Soon I’II be able to buy another cow, and I will have more milk to sell. Then I shall have even more money….”
             With these happy thought, she began to skip and jump. Suddenly she tripped and fell. The jug broke and all the milk split onto the ground.
               No more dreaming now, she sat down and cried.

31. What is the story about?
            a.A cow that produced much milk
            b.A women who wanted to sell some milk
            c.Alittle girl who liked to drink milk
            d.A farm that had a lot of cows
32. “When they are fully grown, I can sell them at a good price at the market (paragraph 2).’’
       The underlined word refer to….
            a. the things                                                     c. chicks
            b. two younggoats                                          d. a milk maid
33. How many goats will the milkmaid buy?
            a. 2                                                                  c. 4
            b. 3                                                                  d. 5     
34. What is the moral value of the story?
            a. Don’t be lazy                                               c. Don’t take more than you need
            b. Don’t be greedy                                          d. Don’t count the profit before you get it

Read the text and answer questions 35 to 38

The Stingy and the Generous
        Long, long time ago there lived two brothers. They had completely different characters. The big brother was very stingy and greedy. He never shared his wealthwith poor people. The little brother was exactly the opposite. He was generous and kind to poor people. He even had no money left because he had shared it with the poor
         One day the generous brother was sitting in his garden when suddenly a little bird fell on his lap. It was wounded. He took care of it, fed it, and put it in a nice cage. After the bird was healthy, the generous brother let it fly. After some time the bird returned to him and gave him a watermelon seed.
          The generous brother, then, planted the seed and watered it until it grew into a good watermelon plant. Yet, the plant was very strange. It had only one fruit; a big and heavy one. When the watermelon was ripe enough, the generous brother picked it and cut it into two. How surprised he was. The watermelon was full of gold.
          The generous brother sold the gold and became very rich. He built a big house and bought a very large field. Still, he never forgot to share his wealth with the poor.

35.Who was very stingy and greedy?
            a. The wounded                                              c. The older brother
            b. The poor people                                          d. The younger brother
36.How did the generous brother get the watermelon seed?
            a. Finding it in the field                                  c. Planting the watermelon
            b. Curing a wounded bird                               d. Asking for the seed to his brother
37.Whydi the generous brother have no money?
            a.He gave it to the poor                                  c. His brother took the money
            b.He bought much gold                                  d. He spent it to buy medicine for the bird
38.what can you learn from the story?
            a. Being greedy is a fault
            b. Helping people is must
            c. Sharing your money to other make you poor
            d. Having good behavior causes good things is return

The text is for number 39 to 41

       Beavers are small creatures with flat tails and busy brown fur. While swimming, their flat broad tail acts like a propeller to move them through the water at a fast pace.
       Beavers are very large; they can weigh up to forty pounds. They have thick fur and a great deal of body fat to help keep them warm in the cold water where they live.
       Beavers est the bark, buds, steams and twigs of aspen, maple, willow, birch, black alder, and black cherry trees. Grasses, mushrooms, leaves, ferns, and roots of water plants are some fafourites as well.
        Beavers often build dams on streams and creeks; they can often be seen in lakes and ponds too.

39. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?
            a. Where the beavers live                    c.How large the beavers are
            b. What the beavers consume             d.Why the beavers are small.
40. Which of the sentences below is not correct according to the text?
            a.Beavers have fat body to help keep them warm in the cold waters
            b.Beavers do like grasses, mushrooms,leaves, ferns, and roots of water plants
            c.Beavers always build dam on streams and creeks
            d.Beavers have flat body and head
41. Beavers are often in cold water.
      Their…. Keeps them warm.
            a.hands                                                c. dams
            c.fur                                                     d. body

Fill in the blank to answer question 42 – 44!

       Last year, I …(42) … New Zealand for Bunaken Island. I … (43) … there with a group of New Zealand divers. Getting there was not quite easy.
       Soon after our arrival at Bunaken, We got a general briefing. It concluded a description about how to take pictures under … (44) ….

42. a.went                                                       c. stayed
b.left                                                    d. fled
43. a. arrive                                                     c. seem
b. stayed                                                          d. went
44. a. water                                                     c. stone
b. moon                                                           d. beach

For questions 45-48 choose the correct words to complete the text

       Most dolphins live in  the sea. They are very good ….(45) and they seem to like people. Dolphin sometimes swim biside the boats. Sometimes they….(46) people who are in danger or help injured dolphins. Some….(47) think tha dolphins are the most….(48)animals. They believe that dolphins can think like human.

45. a. divers                                                     c. trainers
b. players                                                         d. swimmers
46. a. bite                                                        c. save
b.eat                                                    d. swallow
47. a. scientists                                                c. biologists
b. geologist                                          d. botanists
48. a. diligent                                                  c. beautiful
b. intelligent                                        d. dangerous
49. Arrange the words below into a good sentence!
Take - don’t-  to you - foodbelongsthatdoesn’t        
      1         2            3            4           5            6         7
a.       2 - 1 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 5                           c. 7 - 5 - 4 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 3
b.      7 - 1 - 4 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 3                           d. 2 - 1 - 4 - 6 - 7 - 5 - 3
50. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
      1. A little deer came out from a tick bush.
      2. Suddenly a tiger burst out from another bush to attack the deer.
      3. But in a minute he stopped and looked up the sky, his tail erected.
      4. He slowly walked to the open air.
      5. He felt he was in danger for he smelt the scent of an enemy.
      6.  Fortunately, the deer could jump and quickly run away.
     a. 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 3                               c. 4 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 3
b. 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 4                                    d. 1 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 3

Chose the correct answer
Read the message and answer question 1 and 2
From : Thalita
2:56 pm

Good morning,Lia. Hw r u ?
Hw is the work coming along?
Do u think u still need my advice?
If so, pls meet me 2mrw at 4 p.m
I can’t meet u 2dy as we’ve planned.
I hv 2 go 2 see a doctor. Sorry

1.Why does Thalita cancel her plan to meet lia that afternoon? Because  
            a. Lia is sick                                        c. Lia has something to do
            b. Thalita needs advice                       d. Thalita has to see her doctor
2. The purpose of the text is to…
            a. ask for information                          c.tell about someone’s condition
            b. ask for confirmation                        d.inform someone about the changing of                                                                                                                        the meeting time
The following text is for question no.3 – 5
Dear Sandy,

Congratulation on your success in properly test and welcome to join a national football team (PSSI). I hope we can improve achievement for Indonesia football
Have a nice day

3. The following statement are true, except….
            a. Sandy succeeded in his test                        c. Johnny can’t improve his achievement
            b.Sandy is going to join a national      d. Johnny hopes Sandy have a nice day                                    football team   

4. “I hope we can improve achievement for Indonesian football”
    The underlined word has similar meaning with….
            a. income                                             c. increase
            b. prove                                               d. move
5. What is the card sent for?
            a. Improving achievement                   c. congratulating Johnny’s success
            b. congratulating Sandy’s success      d. joining a national football team
The following text is for question no. 6 – 7
Please drop in for a toast of good cheer the
Christmas holiday
and opening New Year!
Saturday, December 16th
7.00 p.m.- 10.00 p.m
420 Main Street

       Hosted by
Anna & Tom Kennedy
Sophie & Jake Mitchell
Regrate 323 5834

6. When will the party be held?
            a. In the evening                                 c. In the afternoon
            b. In the morning                                d. At the mid night
7. What is the invitation card about?
            a. To inform someone about Christmas holiday and upcoming New Year
b. To invite someone to come to the Chrismas holiday and upcoming New Year
c.To remind someone to hold Christmas holiday and upcoming New Year
d.To retell someone about Christmas holiday and upcoming New Year
Look at the following notice and answer question 8
8. The notice above means that the guests….
            a. are suggested to check out at 12 to get additional room’s charge
            b. will have to pay extra bill due to checking out after 12 noon
            c. are not allowed to check out before 12 noon
            d. will be charged for checking out in time
The following announcementis for question 9 to 10
To : All students of class VII and VIII

There will be no extra class on Friday – Saturday, 6 – 7 Jan 2012 due to Try out Program. It will be held next week. Thank you

Wanareja, 2 Jan, 2012
Ade Suswanto/Trainer
9. what            does the announcement tell us about?
            a. The cancellation of the extra class              c. The instruction of the extra class
            b. The information of try out program            d. The delay of the try out program
10.The announcement above is for …
            a. All students                                                 c. Grade IX students
            b. The trainers                                                 d. Grade VII and VIII students
11. “There will be no extra class on Friday – Saturday, 6 – 7 Jan 2012 due to Tryout Program.”
      What does the underlined phrase mean?
a.       according to                                  c. despite of
b.      because of                                                 d. based on
Read the text and answer question 12 to 14
WerkudaraGg. Bulan No. 8 LegianKaja, Kuta – Bali
We have 20 villas and 5 houses available to rent for those who want to relax and take time to enjoy Bali. All are located in a quiet peaceful setting in the heart of Legian. They are only about tenutes walk from the Double Six Beach. All villas come with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom,hot water, air conditioning, TV, private garden, parking lot, and excellent security. Our villas are competitively priced and are available at daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly rates.
12. How many villas and houses does Villa Pisang Mas have for the guest?
            a. 20                                                    c. 25
            b. 5                                                      d. 15
13. Which is incorrect about the villas?
            a. They are located near a beach
            b. The guest may rent the villas for a year
            c. The guest should bring cooking appliances to cook
            d. The place is safe and secure even for single travelers
14. “We have 20 villas and 5 houses available to rent…”
      The underlined word means…
a.       found                                            c. refused
b.      provided                                        d. forced
Read the text and answer questions 15 – 16
Jl. PegangsaanTimur no. 12
24th March 2011

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ari
Jl. Bougenville no 9
Dear Sir and Mam,
We are pleased to inform you that your Son, Rudy, has been successfully completed the study. We have made a plan to hold the special event featuring music orchestra and ceremony.
We request the honor of your company in the event to witness the great accomplishment throughout the year.
We are looking forward to your welcoming

Your sincerely,
Dr. Topik Mahmud, M.Pd
15. What is the purpose of the letter
            A. to tell the writer experience                       C. to inform good news                                 
            B. to invite the reader                                     D. to describe the writer’s planning
16. What is Rudy’s special event? He…
            A has been successfully completed the study
            B. holds the special event featuring music orchestra and ceremony
            C. invites his parent to witness the great accomplishment
            D. looking forwad to his parents coming
This text is for no. 17 and 18
Text Box: Making Colored egg
● Hard boiled eggs (cooled)
● Paper towels
●Food coloring
●Glass jar
1. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300ml of hot water
2. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower and egg into the jar or dye, and leave for a few minutes.Check the color of the eggs regularly
3. When the eggs has reached the desired color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining eggs
4. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels. To make the dye, pour half a small bottle of food coloring into a glass jar and add 300ml of hot water
5. Add 300 ml vinegar and 15 ml salt. Lower and egg into the jar of dye, and leave for a few minutes. Check the color of the eggs regularly
6. When the eggs has reached the desired color, lift it out and repeat the process with the remaining.

17. Rinse eggs in cold water and dry it with paper towels. The underlined word almost the same  meaning as ….
            A.sponge down                                               C. immerse
            B.submerge                                                     D. dip
18. When the eggs has reached the desired color, lift itout and repeat the process with the   remaining eggs.
     The underlined it refers to ….
A.    Colored eggs                                             C. Boiled eggs
B.     Uncooked egg                                           D. Eggs
Read the text to answer question 19 to 21
Rounded Rectangle:  Michael PrabawaMohede was born on Nopember 7, 1983. He is better known as Mike. He has a beautiful voice. He is the winner of the second season of Indonesian Idol. He also represented Indonesian in Asian Idol. Mike has a cheerful smile. His body is plump. His chubby cheeks make him cute. Mike is a nice and gentle person. He is very friendly to everyone. Some of his fans call ‘’Teddy Bear’’ because of his plump body and nice character.


19. Mike will be … years old on December 2011
            A. 26                                                   C. 28
            B. 27                                                   D. 29
20. ‘’Some of his fans call him’’ Teddy Bears’’ because of his plump body’’
      The underlined word has the some meaning with ….
A.    Big                                                            C. slim
B.     fat                                                  D. thin
21. The foolowing statement is true about Mike Mohede, except ….
            A. Mike won the second season of Indonesian Idol
            B. Mike was the Asian Idol champion
            C. Mike Mohede is a talented singer
            D. Mike is a friendly artist
This text is for no. 22 to 25Rounded Rectangle: LONDON
 London is the capital city of the United Kingdom
 It is situated in southeastern England along the Thames River. London is well-known city with a population of about 7 million. It is the largest city in Europe. Although it is no longer included among the world’s most populous cities, London is still one of the world’s major financial and cultural capitals.
 London’s climate is generally mild and damp although it can be erratic. London is one of the driest parts of Britain. However, the weather is generally cloudy, and sometimes it rains on half the days of the year. With the mean temperature in July of about 18o C (about 64o F), London has warmer summers than most of the Island. It’s frosty during winters in London. Fog frequently develops in winter.
 London’s metropolitan area extends for more than 30 miles. Most of central London is located north of the Thames. It contains the City of London, the city of Westminter, and district in the West End. The city of London is the heart of the city.The city of Westminster is the seat of the national government.  

22. What does the text mostly talk about?
            A. The capital city of the United Kingdom.
            B. The world’s most populous city.
            C. The temperature in London
            D. The Thames River
23. Which of the following statement is not true based on the text?
            A. The seat of the national government is located north of the thames
            B. The city of Westminster is located north of the Thames
            C. London is the famous and the biggest city in Europe
            D. London’s climate sometimes can be predictable.
24. ‘’It’s frosty during winters in London
      What does the underlined word mean?
A.    Slightly wet                                   C. Very cold
B.     Very cool                                      D. Very hot
25. “It is the largest city in Europe (paragraph 2)”.
      The underlined word refers to ….
A.    United Kingdom                           C. London
B.     Europe                                           D. Britain
The following texs is for question 26 to 28
          I went to Solo with my friend last Saturday.We travelled by car from Yogyakarta to Solo. The journey was very exciting. It took three hours to get there. I stayed in Lor In Hotel for two nights.
         The next morning, I joined English Teacher Training. I learned several lessons from the instructors in the ballroom.
          The next day, I walked around the hotel. I took many photographs. I studied new lesson. I felt very glad and hoped to go back there next time.

26. From the text we know that ….
            A. The writer did not enjoy his aktivities
            B. The writer went to Solo to walk around the hotel
            C. According to the writer, staying in the hotel was boring
            D. The writer went to Solo to join English Teacher Training
27. The writer felt very glad,
      The underlined word means….
A.    sad                                                C. happy
B.     boring                                            D. disappointed
28. Wetravelled by car from Yogyakarta to Solo.
      The underlined word refers to…
A.    the writer                                       C. the writer and his friend
B.     . the instructor                               D. the writer and the instructors
This text is for no 29 to 30
Vacation in London
          Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs.Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British Embassy to get visas to enter Britain.
          They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tour surround London. They boarded a large Boing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours.
On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for their entertaintment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way.
          On arrival at heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customer and Immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London Welcome Desk.
          They arranged the transfer to a hotel. The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for room, they inserted a key-card to open the door.
          On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food. The two week in London went by fast.
          At the end of the 14-day, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.
29. What is mostly told in the text above?
            A. Richard’s family’s vacation.          C. Well-known four-star hotel
            B. Travel and accomodation               D. The British embassy
30. Facilities given by the travel agent was spoken in paragraph….
            A. 1                                                     C. 3
            B. 2                                                     D. 4
31. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
            A. Mr.Richard’s family did not get magazines on the plane
            B. Mr.Richard’s family had a holiday in the British Embassy
            C. The room of the hotelm had its own toilet
            D. The restaurant was in the second floor
32. “They boarded a large Boeing flight.” The word ‘boarded’ in the sentence can be replaced by the word ….
            A. take off                                          C. got onto
            B. land on                                           D. got off